
To Cut a Long Story Short by Jeffrey Archer Free Download PDF

Author:  Jeffrey Archer
Publisher: Pan Books
Date: November 5, 2010
Format: pdf
Language: English
ISBN10:  0330523236
Page: 364
ISBN13: 978-0330523233

Description  :

To Cut a Long Story Short by Jeffrey Archer

These fourteen stories show Jeffrey Archer's great skills with a wide variety of character, of subject and of setting, but all with that trademark twist in the tail. Every reader will have their own favourites: the choices run from love at first sight across the train tracks to the cleverest of confidence tricks, from the quirks of the legal profession - and those who are able to manipulate both sides of the Bar - to the creative financial talents of a member of Her Majesty's diplomatic service - but for a good cause. The last story, The Grass is Always Greener, is possibly the best piece Archer has written, and will haunt you for the rest of your life.

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